
July -- Hydrangea, Welcome breeze and Fireworks

In Lake side Ashi, Hydrangeas are blooming beautifully now.

We hold the biggest festival of Hakone shirine every year on 1th August.
The night before, on 31 Jul, we have a fireworks event at Lake Ashi.

Please come see the beautiful fireworks and join the festival on the lake!


"Matoryomin" comes back to Gakueirou Matsuzakaya!

On 18th & 19th May, we had a special concert of theremin and guitar unit.

Theremin is the first electronic musical instrument controlled without physical contact from the player. "Matryomin" is a Theremin added in Matrioshka.

And we had the first performance of Theremin Techno <oririddim>!

Thank you, Orido and Strange Brew!